Monthly Archives: February 2018
The Enduring Case Against Saturated Fats
In 1961 when the American Heart Association issued the recommendation to reduce our intake of saturated fats to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, few could have predicted that advice would be the mainstay of dietary advice nearly 60 years later. The concern, then and now, is that saturated fat intake causes the […]
Mayo Clinic Report on Soy and Breast Cancer
Many newly diagnosed patients with breast cancer are told to avoid eating soy products, causing concern and confusion among those women who enjoy one or two servings of soy products daily. The Mayo Clinic recently reported reassuring information from the Shanghai Women’s Health Study, analyzing questionnaires from 70,578 women between the ages of 40 and […]
Obesity Linked to Restaurant Meals
After researching data from nearly 13,000 participants of the Ohio Medicaid Assessment Survey, scientists determined that those who did not eat their meals in front of the TV, and who ate most of their meals at home, rather than in restaurants, were less likely to be obese than those who did eat while watching TV, […]